Recent decades can be regarded as an exceptional period of transformation taking place on a global dimension. Its elements are: the reorganization of the traditional ways of doing business, the emergence of highly dynamic global markets and global financial markets, the new conditions in the labor markets, and a whole new spheres of economic activity. These changes are micro, macro and mezoeconomic.

This evolution is becoming an important factor for economic development opportunities in each country. These new realities are a major source of opportunities and threats. For example, by using these new conditions, relatively economically backward countries do not have to go through traditional development phases. They have the chance to benefit from the convergence effect and make a kind of leap. On the other hand, these countries often struggle with underdeveloped technological, intellectual, and institutional infrastructure, which poses a serious threat to the potential inherent in the modern global economy. These problems do not miss the highly developed economies. Also the recent global financial crisis has revealed a number of challenges and threats to which all participating countries are facing in the global economic life.

These problems are the source of many dilemmas, that should be the subject of a structured scientific discussion. These issues are a source of reflection for both researchers interested in economic theory, and business practitioners. This conference can be a source of inspiration and assistance in the acquisition of knowledge and discussion for representatives of these areas. Therefore, we propose the following key issues for discussion:

Macroeconomic perspective:
  • the global economic crisis;

  • EU fiscal policy, monetary policy of the ECB and the countries aspiring to join the euro area;

  • challenges of the knowledge economy;

  • role of the state in terms of globalization;

  • opportunities and threats of Polish and Central and Eastern Europe regions economic development;

  • dilemmas of development of institutional systems;

  • prospects and conditions for the development of financial markets;

  • problems in the labor market in Poland and Europe;

  • econometric modeling of economic phenomena.

Microeconomic perspective:
  • competitiveness and innovation of businesses;

  • role of knowledge in modern business;

  • operation of individual markets in the global economy;

  • effective financial management of enterprises.

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